Bisping does not consider the Ferguson-Pimblett fight a missmatch

Dmitriy Kel Sept. 25, 2023, 4:15 p.m.
Michael Bisping
Michael Bisping

Former UFC middleweight champion and current commentator and expert Michael Bisping reacted to the announcement of a fight between the former interim champion in the promotion's lightweight division Tony Ferguson and Paddy Piblett.

UFC head Dana White previously announced that this fight will take place on December 16 at the UFC 296 tournament in Las Vegas.

“People on social media are talking nonsense about the fight, and I can’t understand it. Paddy needs to come back from injury and he needs to be given an appropriate opponent. Ferguson is a wild asshole. He will fight to the last. You need to finish him so that he stops going forward. This guy has no reverse gear.

Yes, he is 39 years old and has suffered a lot of damage. But he has experience. Tony is still dangerous, and there is no need to be mistaken about this,” Bisping said in the latest issue of his YouTube channel.



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