Holloway reveals why he hated Korean Zombie before fight

Dmitriy Kel Sept. 2, 2023, 5:40 p.m.
Max Holloway
Max Holloway

Former UFC Featherweight Champion Max Holloway explained why he felt negative emotions towards his last opponent Chen Song Jong, better known by the nickname "Korean Zombie".

“I'm not going to lie - I hated Zombies in the back of my mind before the fight. He went out to the music for a fight for too long. My team and I looked at it and hated it! Emotions were on top.

But after the fight, I watched his fight and regretted that I was not sitting in the stands at that moment and did not enjoy the spectacle. I said, “Give this guy flowers. He deserved them with his exit and his career, ”said Holloway in the release of the author’s YouTube channel.

Recall that on August 26 at the UFC Fight Night 225 tournament, Holloway knocked out Chen Sung Jong in the third round. After the fight, the South Korean announced his retirement.


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