Pereira on Smith's criticism: 'That's what the veterans who have achieved nothing say'

Alex Pereira
Alex Pereira

Former UFC Middleweight Champion Alex Pereira commented on the criticism from the ex-contender for the title in the light heavyweight division Anthony Smith.

Recall that earlier the American said that the Brazilian, who recently moved to the light heavyweight category, does not pose too serious a danger in the new division.

“Only fighters like Smith say that about me. Veterans who have achieved nothing. From guys who are doing well, I don’t hear anything like that. Only those who are behind me criticize. Or those who tried but failed.

Anthony is a guy who is disappointed in himself. He only fought once in a big fight that led the tournament. For this he should be grateful to John Jones. If not for Jones, he would never have had a fight at this level, ”Pereira said in a release on his YouTube channel.

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Pereira is expected to fight Jiri Prochazka for the vacant light heavyweight title next.