O'Malley: Oliveira can beat Makhachev in rematch

Dmitriy Kel June 14, 2023, 2:33 a.m.
Sean O'Malley
Sean O'Malley

Top bantamweight UFC fighter Sean O'Malley expressed the opinion that the ex-lightweight champion Charles Oliveira able to get even with the current belt holder Islam Makhachev for the defeat in October last year.

On June 11 at UFC 289, Oliveira defeated Dariush via TKO in the first round.

Oliveira is simply handsome! I want to see a rematch between Charles and Islam. Charles just finished Dariush in the first round! Charles fights are a lot of fun to watch. Just imagine if Charles beats Islam - he can do it, ”said the American on his YouTube channel.

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