The coach named the most dangerous opponent for Makhachev

Dmitriy Kel June 12, 2023, 7:33 a.m.

Javier Mendez, UFC Lightweight Champion Trainer Islam Makhachev, expressed the opinion that the greatest threat to his ward Now represents the ex-holder of the time zone Justin Gaethje.

“The most difficult opponent for Islam? Stylistically, they [Oliveira, Poirier and Gaethje] are all tough fighters. Perhaps this is Gaethje, since he is a good kicker, he has a heavy punch and a strong jaw. I could be wrong, because the same Dustin is an iron man. He is used to fighting to the last. But still, I believe that this is Gati, although I could be wrong, ”Mendez said in an interview with Submission Radio.

Makhachev is expected to defend his belt next in October in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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