Cormier responds to Dana White's fight with his wife

Former UFC Double Weight Champion Daniel Cormier commented on the fight between promotion president Dana White and his wife Ann.

“In a situation like this, everyone is waiting for your opinion. But I will say this right now: Dana White was wrong, and he admitted it. We have been told throughout our lives that we should not raise our hand against women. Dana White himself spoke publicly about this. He understood that he would immediately bear responsibility. Under such circumstances, you first of all think about the family. The question is how the children and the rest of the White family will deal with it. But Dana didn't make excuses for his actions, did he? Some fighters try to protect him. He does not protect himself. Why does someone try to justify his actions when he says he was wrong? Everyone knows that White was wrong, but for me the main thing is what happens next. How will Dana White become the voice that tries to help people in situations like this, how is he going to move on and try to help people confront domestic violence and things like that? That's the question for me. There is no room for controversy here. We can't sit for ten minutes and argue about whether White is right or not. Everyone is of the same opinion, he said that he was wrong. Me, you and everyone in the world knows that this is wrong. But in reality, the main thing is what will happen next, how Dana will help to cope with this problem. I think it's important," Cormier said at the DC & RC show.

Recall that the Whites had a fight right on New Year's Eve in one of the nightclubs.