Dos Anjos glad that Makhachev lost his title chance

Alexandr Ormanji March 10, 2022, 12:49 p.m.

Former UFC lightweight champion Rafael dos Anjos speaks out about title prospects Islam Makhachev. The Brazilian believes that Islam lost his chance for a title shot after he refused to fight him.  

"This is great. It's really nice to hear. This is the price he paid for playing these petty political games. He was secured with a title shot, but now he will have to fight one more fight first. I exposed his bluff. I think that's exactly what happened. His team probably thought I wouldn't agree to fight him at welterweight. But you know what? I was training and didn't want to cancel my entire training camp. I didn't fight for 16 months. So I wanted to go out and just fight somebody."

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