Kudryashov: "The fight with Durodola is a real challenge for Ismailov"

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 8, 2022, 6:49 p.m.

Russian boxer Dmitry Kudryashov estimated the chances of a mixed style fighter Magomed Ismailov in a duel against a Nigerian boxer Olanrewaji Durodolywhich will take place on February 25 in Moscow.

ā€œFor me, first of all, it is interesting what Ismailov can offer in this fight, because I know Durodol very well. Met with him twice. Iā€™m interested in the idea of ā€‹ā€‹why this particular fight and what the Mage can show in this fight.

This is the first professional fight for Maga, and here it must be taken into account that Durodola is not just a boy with a good record, this is an uncle who really knows how to fight.

I know that he is a basic fighter, so questions arise here, what can he offer to a real boxer. This is a real challenge, a real test, and if Magomedov can defeat Durodola, then this is a big bid for success in professional boxing.

And here Maga will have no options to dive below the belt. You will have to box, exchange blows or defend yourself, but I donā€™t know if Magomed Ismailov is able to defend himself in a standing position from a hail of blows or not. And Durodola can offer pace and beat a lot and hurt,ā€ said Kudryashov.

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