Emelianenko responded to White's sharp words

Dmitriy Kel Jan. 26, 2022, 2:23 p.m.
Fedor Emelianenko
Fedor Emelianenko

Legendary heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko commented on the words of Dana White addressed to him. Earlier, the head of the UFC said that the Russian would not have to compete at the age of 45 if he had signed a contract with the UFC at the time.

“If he watched my interview, then he had to answer a question that constantly... I explained why I didn’t sign a contract. I had a contract with Strikeforce at that time. I did not understand at all why this meeting was needed. But Vadim [Finkelstein] insisted on it, and, as I understand it, the UFC wanted it, Dana White.

Well, we met, talked, and I asked a specific question: how do you see all this? I have a contract. Well, what to say about it? This is the first. Second... Well, this is the most important thing, let's put it this way. What to say about it? No matter what amount they name, Strikeforce is suing me, and then I have no right to fight anywhere. That's all. It would be about the same situation as with Vitaly Minakov.

Is it nice to have Dana White following me? Yes, me and Dana White... The main thing is to remain a person in any situation and position in life. Again, I repeat that if the UFC wanted to, I would have fought with them. It’s just that the UFC showed character, then I couldn’t fight, and I didn’t want to fight anymore. You can’t exchange relationships for money, ”Emelianenko said.



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