Sonnen to commentate for Khabib promotion's US debut

Alexandr Ormanji Jan. 26, 2022, 2:55 a.m.

A former UFC fighter will comment on the Khabib Eagle FC league tournament Chael Sonnen. Information about this is posted on the official promotion account on Instagram.

Chael Sonnen - Eagle FC announcer! "American Gangster" is not only a great fighter, but also one of the most amazing analysts in all of the sport. Welcome to the team, Uncle Chale," the statement said.

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Posted by EAGLE FC (@eaglefcmma)

The tournament will take place on January 28 in Miami and will be headlined by a duel between two heavyweights: Tyrone Spong vs Sergey Kharitonov. Spong was originally supposed to fight "Bigfoot" Silva, but he pulled out of the fight and was replaced by Kharitonov.



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