Teixeira predicted the winner of the Ngannou-Gan fight

Dmitriy Kel Jan. 20, 2022, 6:13 p.m.
Glover Teixeira
Glover Teixeira

UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Glover Teixeira shared his prediction for the upcoming heavyweight title fight between Francis Ngannou and Cyril Gan, which will be held January 23 at UFC 270 in Anaheim.

“This meeting reminds me of the fight between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali. One fighter has pure strength, the other is a techie who hits fast and moves a lot. Gan looks like Ali.

However, I believe the result will be the same. In my opinion, Francis is now too strong. He will get better and better. I think he will win, ”Brazilian Sherdog quotes.



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