Fight with Tukhugov or seven-digit check - Lobov names the conditions for the return

Former UFC fighter Artem Lobov announced that he would be ready to resume his career for the sake of a duel with the current UFC fighter Zubaira Tukhugov. He will also be ready to return if someone offers him a check with seven zeros.

“I have many proposals, but I remind myself that I made a promise. There are only two options for which I will return. The first is a fight with Tukhugov. I don't care if I left the sport or not, I always wanted this fight. The second option is that if someone makes my dream come true and offers me a seven-digit check, it will change a lot. This will be of great help to my family. So there are two options - Tukhugov or a seven-digit check,” Lobov said during the MMA Hour show.