Rockhold wants to fight Bisping in light heavyweight division

Dmitriy Kel March 6, 2018, 8:38 a.m.
Luke Rockhold
Luke Rockhold

Former UFC middleweight champion Luke Rockhold once again announced his desire for a third fight against another former champion Michael Bisping at any time and anywhere.

"At the moment, this fight is being discussed. Of course, if I have the opportunity, I will have to accept it before doing anything else. If Bisping is able to confirm his words by actions, then I will accept it gladly anytime and anywhere. Let's add a bit of intrigue to this fight and hold it at light heavyweight.

"Why don't we do it? It will take me a little time to recover, but I hope I will be ready for an international fight week. This is a good time to complete Bisping's career and a great opportunity for my return," Rockhold said.

Watch this story: Rockhold called Cormier a liar

In 2014 Rockhold beat Bisping by submission, and two years later, the Briton took revenge, winning by a knockout.



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