McGregor promises to come to Russia

Artem Lobov in the Kremlin
Artem Lobov in the Kremlin

The famous Irish fighter of mixed martial arts Conor McGregor commented on the visit to the Kremlin of his friend and sparring partner Artem Lobov, who conducted training for FSO employees.

"I am proud of my brother Artem Lobov. Inside the world famous Kremlin compound discussing and teaching our training methods to the Russian federal reserve on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. One day soon I will visit Russia and potentially compete there for my Russian fans, alongside my brother Artem. Thank you to all our Russian supporters for recognising our lifetime of hard work and supporting us along the entire way! Без труда́ не вы́тащишь и ры́бку из пруда́." wrote McGregor under the photo.

It is worth noting that the last sentence was written in Russian and it mean "No pains, no gains".