If you want to buy the original Rocky Balboa sculpture from "Rocky III, it's not for sale. But the backup statue is about to hit the auction block. The artist behind the piece, A. Thomas Schomberg, made two versions of the iconic sculpture for the 1982 flick and #1 was used in the movie and #2 was a backup in case anything bad happened.
The original sculpture from the movie is still in Philly. The backup had been on display for years in the San Diego Hall of Champions, but that place closed down and now Rocky #2 is for sale.
Rep for SCP Auctions which has auctioned everything from game-worn Babe Ruth uniforms to Michael Jordan game-used shoes are they're expecting the Rocky statue to fetch somewhere between $500k and $1 mil. The bronze Balboa stands at nearly 9-feet tall and weighs 1,800 pounds. Bidding ends November 4.