Cormier explained why Makhachev needs a fight with Puryear

Dmitriy Kel March 18, 2024, 1:29 p.m.

Famed American mixed martial arts veteran, commentator and analyst Daniel Cormier spoke about why UFC lightweight champion Islam Makhachev should fight former interim division champion Dustin Puryear.

"I think this fight makes sense. Because if you want to become a star, that star has to beat the previous star. That's what happened to Khabib when he beat McGregor. Yeah and Puryear became a star by beating Conor. It's a proven story.

In this fight lies a huge meaning, because it will help Islam Makhachev to become a real star," - said Cormier in a fresh release of the author's YouTube channel.

Watch this story: Rockhold called Cormier a liar

We will remind, earlier Makhachev announced his readiness to fight with Puryear at one of the tournaments in June.



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