Coach O'Malley promises viral knockout in fight with Vera

Tim Welch, coach of the UFC bantamweight champion Shauna O'Malley, promised that his ward will make a “viral” knockout in the upcoming rematch with Marlon Vera.

“I believe that this will be a viral knockout. But, as I already said, I’m preparing Sean for all five rounds. We go through a lot of rounds of sparring. I invite the strongest and bravest opponents. Vera is a really good fighter. He's tough, so we're getting ready for a five-round fight. “I believe that Vera will ultimately fall on her face,” the specialist said.

The confrontation between O'Malley and Vera will take place on March 10 and will headline the UFC 299 tournament.

Let us remind you that in the first fight, Vera won ahead of schedule against Sean, finishing him in the first round.