The manager named the reason for the defeat of the undefeated Kazakh in the UFC

Nuraddin Sadykov, manager of UFC flyweight fighter Azat Maksum, commented on the first defeat in his client’s career, which he suffered in a fight with Charles Johnson at UFC Fight Night 235.

“After his defeat, “pseudo-experts” formed who looked for the reason for his defeat in everyone and everything. Some were looking for this from the absence of a long training camp in the USA and the “incompetence” of his home gym and coach. Some from the “incompetence” of the second’s corner, every tenth, in the entire universe, but not in Azat himself. I would consider such people, to put it mildly, as “enemies” of Azat... The key reason for Azat’s defeat was the systematic violation of the regime of a professional athlete. This was facilitated by his environment, incomprehensible “friends”... Here you need to understand that Azat is a very quiet and calm guy. He will never refuse anyone, so as not to offend them. But by doing this he harms himself. “I think it’s time to learn to say NO if he himself wants to move on,” said the functionary.