Kevin Lee called the decision to fight with Fakhretdinov terrible

Alexandr Ormanji Feb. 7, 2024, 8:21 a.m.

Kevin Lee, a former UFC lightweight title challenger, admitted he made a stupid decision when he agreed to fight Rinat Fakhretdinov.

“Looking back, it was a stupid decision. I knew my knee was torn to shreds. I had the worst training camp of my entire career. I couldn’t spar at all. I agreed to the fight solely out of pride and pride. I was kicked out of the UFC on terms that I didn't like, and I sort of got the opportunity to prove it to them. Yes, looking back, I understand that it was a terrible decision,” the fighter said.

Let us remind you that Lee lost to Fakhretdinov by choke in the first minute of the first round.


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