Walker named the main mistake in the fight with Ankalaev

Dmitriy Kel Jan. 30, 2024, 4:11 a.m.

Brazilian light heavyweight Joni Walker analyzed the fight with the Dagestani Magomed Ankalaev, which took place on January 14 at the UFC Fight Night 234 tournament in Las Vegas and ended with a knockout defeat in the second round.

ā€œIĀ messed up when I decided to throw a kick atĀ boxing range. I did really well in the first round. I hit him a lot. I took the starting five minutes, Iā€™m sure of it.

I understand at what point everything went wrong. HeĀ changed strategy, but I didnā€™t. This was my mistake. I didnā€™tĀ adapt to his work. He delivered his blow at the moment when I threw a kick at boxing distance. IĀ was too close,ā€ Walker said in anĀ interview with Bloody Elbow.



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