"Keep fighting." Vladimir Klitschko congratulated Ukrainians on the New Year

Former world heavyweight boxing champion Vladimir Klichko congratulated Ukrainians on the upcoming New Year.

“Here it is, 2024. Nothing has been written yet this year. It all depends on what we do every day of this new year. That’s how it is: we plan by year, we count by quarter, and we act daily.

I would like to wish you all the best. To you, your loved ones. I wish you new ideas, new experiences and new energy to meet your challenges. No matter how difficult times may be, never lose faith. This year there are 365 reasons to hope again.

This year, my country, Ukraine, will do everything possible to secure its destiny. To all Ukrainians I say: keep fighting. All our efforts will pay off. All our dead sisters and brothers died not in vain, but for an eternal cause: freedom. This year is our year. We will liberate our cities, return our deported children and become one step closer to victory, to freedom.

Happy New Year! Keep hitting!” — Klitschko wrote on Instagram.