Figueredo called himself the antivirus for O'Malley

Alexandr Ormanji Dec. 30, 2023, 3:50 a.m.

Deiveson Figueredo, the former UFC flyweight champion who recently made a successful debut in the bantamweight division, is confident that he has all the necessary skills to take the championship belt from Shauna O'Malley

“I think he has something to worry about. If he is a virus, then I am an antivirus for him. I came into the division with a big name, I'm a two-time former champion. I feel great in the new weight class and the fight with O’Malley is a real possibility. However, I will patiently wait to see what the UFC has in store for me,” said the Brazilian fighter.

Watch this story: Figueredo challenged Pantoja


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