Aug. 3, 2024
Date | Fighter | VS | Opponent | Result |
March 2, 2024
Los (UD)
Bekzat Almakhan's record currently stands at 14 wins, 2 loses and 0 draw.
Bekzat Almakhan's last fight took place against Umar Nurmagomedov on March 2, 2024, in Enterprise, USA. He lost by UD in the 3 round. That fight was 2 days ago.
Almakhan's last 1 fights have come over a period of day, meaning he has been fighting on average every month and day. In those fights, he fought a total of round, meaning that they have lasted round on average.
The Bekzat Almakhan is currently 27 years old. He was born on Oct. 8, 1997, so he will turn 28 in 7 months and 4 days.
Almakhan is 5' 6" (5 Foot and 6 inch) which is 170 cm (1 meter and 70 centimeters).
Bekzat Almakhan doesn't currently have a fight scheduled