Figueredo: "I want to knock out Jan."

Dmitriy Kel Nov. 21, 2024, 4:44 a.m.

Former UFC flyweight champion Deiveson Figueredo has spoken out about his fight with former lightweight titleholder Peter Yan, which will take place on Nov. 23 at UFC Fight Night 248 in Mocoa, China.

"Yes, I realize that Ian is known for his knockouts. But he hasn't had any knockouts lately, everything came down to judges' decisions. And I've seen his shortcomings. There's no doubt that Jan is dangerous in the standup, but his grappling can't even be compared to mine. I'm so much better than him. He wouldn't want to fight me. I'd take him down and finish him. But. I want to use my punching power and knock him out," the Brazilian said in an interview with Kevin Ayoola.

Watch this story: Figueredo challenged Pantoja


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