UFC Fight Night 247: weigh-in results

Alexandr Ormanji Nov. 9, 2024, 10:46 a.m.

The UFC Fight Night 247 card has lost one fight. Ricky Turcios - Bernardo Sopay fight was canceled due to Ricky's medical problems. The weigh-in was extremely difficult for him. The rest of the weigh-in results are as follows:

Neil Magni (171) - Carlos Prates (170.5)

Rainier de Ridder (185) - Gerald Merschart (185)

Luana Pineiro (115.5) - Gillian Robertson (116)

Mansour Abdul-Malik (186) - Dusko Todorovic (185.5)

Preliminary bouts

Denise Gomez (115) - Karolina Kowalkiewicz (115.5)

Gaston Bolanos (135.5) - Cortavius Romius (136)

Zach Scroggin (174)** - Eliseu Zaleski dos Santos (171)

Charlie Radtke (171) - Matthew Semelsberger (171)

DaMon Blackshear (135.5) - Cody Stamann (135.5)

Treshin Gore (186) - Antonio Trocoli (186)

Melissa Mullins (137)*** - Claudia Sigula (136)



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