Figueredo's trainer gave his prediction for the fight with Vera

Alexandr Ormanji July 31, 2024, 9:24 a.m.

Eric Albarracin, trainer of Deiveson Figueredo, has spoken out about his charge's upcoming bout with Marlon Vera.

"We want to make a name for ourselves and hopefully get a title fight because Marlon Vera is a very tough fighter. He has a win over the current champion. He's one of the toughest guys that has never been knocked down, never been finished. So we have a big task ahead of us, but ... We're going to go into the cage and get the win. Figueiredo wants to be champion. My prediction? A first-round knockout. Deiveson Figueredo will be the first to beat Marlon Vera early, and when he does, he'll earn the title."

As a reminder, Figueredo's fight with Vera will take place on August 3 at UFC on ABC 7.

Watch this story: Figueredo challenged Pantoja


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