Covington on meeting with Porier: "Walked away like a scared little girl"

Former interim UFC welterweight champion Colby Covington claims that Dustin Porye didn't want to confront him during a chance encounter.

"We ran into each other about three months ago at a restaurant. I looked Dustin in the eye and asked: "What's up, asshole? What's going on?" After which he just walked away. You can say whatever you want to journalists. But when it happens in person, when you feel someone's energy and you know what they're capable of - that's when things change. In that case, you can't say much and you can't do anything. If Dustin had wanted to, he could have done something about it, but I stood my ground and looked him straight in the eye. Dustin just walked away like a scared little girl," Covington was quoted as saying by BJ Penn.