"I'm at peace with it." St. Pierre has no plans to return to the sport

Former UFC two-weight champion George St-Pierre, 43, has once again stated that he has no plans to resume his career.

"These conversations are keeping my name out there and that's great for me. Late last year I was preparing for a grappling bout and part of me showed up again, my obsessive-compulsive disorder came back. When I prepare for a show everything has to be perfect, I don't try to cut corners and go crazy. Doing everything I can to make sure everything is at its best. I think that's why I got injured.... My body just couldn't take it.

I can't keep up the same amount and intensity of work that I was able to handle before, but I need to do it if I want to perform at my best. It's hard, but I've accepted it," the Canadian said on The Anik & Florian podcast.