St. Pierre's coach diagnosed Makhachev with staphylococcus aureus from a photograph

Famous trainer Firas Zahabi, among whose charges was the legendary George St. Pierre, spoke out about the health of Islam Makhachev, UFC lightweight champion. According to the specialist, the fighter has staphylococcus aureus.

"This is really bad. It's staphylococcus, folks. I'm not a doctor, I don't have a medical degree. But I can recognize this infection. I've traveled all over the world and trained thousands of people. I know what staph looks like. Look, if Islam is now "sitting" on medication, and the fight is already this week, it's bad news, "- said Zahabi in an interview with YouTube channel Tristar Gym.

Recall, earlier Makhachev at a press conference reported that he was fine.