Rosey revealed the secret to her success in MMA

Dmitriy Kel May 26, 2024, noon

A major star in the history of women's MMA, former UFC lightweight champion Ronda Rousey explained how she has been able to succeed in her fighting career.

"A lot of people have a tendency to take care of themselves and not put their best foot forward. So when something doesn't work out for them, they say to themselves, 'I could have accomplished this if I had given everything I had.' My success was that I was willing to sacrifice everything to succeed. This will be your advantage, and your vulnerability, because sooner or later it will auction," - quotes Rosey MMA Fighting.

Recall that Rosey's last fight was in December 2016, losing by technical knockout to Amanda Nunez. Some time later, the American announced the end of her career.

Watch this story: Rosie hints at a comeback


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