Makhachev's coach: "There are no aspects in which Makhachev is inferior to Porier"

Dmitriy Kel May 25, 2024, 6:27 p.m.

Magomedgadzhi Bagandov, one of the members of UFC lightweight champion Islam Makhachev's coaching staff, expressed confidence that his charge is superior to his closest rival Dustin Porye in all components.

"I've been following Puryear for a long time. In terms of striking technique, Dustin has a peculiar way of fighting. You know, it's not that Islam is not inferior to Puryear in striking. If he doesn't throw, Makhachev is superior to Dustin.

Even if you put wrestling aside, my opinion is that Islam is stronger in boxing and in Thai boxing. There are no aspects in which Makhachev is inferior to Porier," - said the specialist in an interview with YouTube channel Khabib Nurmagomedov.

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Recall that Makhachev and Puryear will fight on June 1 in the main event of UFC 302 in Newark, USA.



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