Fury's sparring partner gave a prediction for a rematch with Usyk

Alexandr Ormanji Dec. 12, 2024, 6:28 a.m.

David Adeley, former sparring partner of Tyson Fury, gave his prediction for the Briton's rematch with Oleksandr Usyk.

"I'm sure that in the rematch we will see a different Fury. There's no denying that Usyk will be better prepared for this fight, but he won't be able to work as hard as he did in the first fight. Tyson had a good first fight, but he fooled around too much with a lot of stunts, which played a cruel trick on him. In the rematch he will use his size as much as possible and will be focused on his opponent. Tyson will impose his fight on Usyk - and win," - quotes Adeleya TalkSport.



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