Germany's Universum has signed a contract with DAZN

Andrew Karlov Oct. 30, 2024, 8:03 a.m.
Ismail Otto-Esen. Boxingscene
Ismail Otto-Esen. Boxingscene

German company Universum Box Promotion, headed by Ismail Otto-Ezen, has signed a contract with DAZN, reports BILD. The agreement is for six Universum tournaments, which will begin on December 12 at the Grand Elysee Hotel in Hamburg in conjunction with the WBC convention, which will take place at the same hotel.

Universum has developed a strong relationship with the WBC, and each of their shows features several fights for low-profile WBC belts.

The show in Grand Elysee will feature heavyweights Jose Larduet (13-0) and Murad "White Wolf" Aliev (12-0), middleweight Serkay Komart (8-0) and welterweight Branimir Malenika (10-0).


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