What time is Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew tonight? Ringwalks, schedule, streaming links

Alban Bermeta and Obinna Joseph Mathew square off for the WBO World Light Heavyweight Title at Skanderbeg Square, Tirana, Albania. Joining them on the card, Mauro Forte takes on Cristobal Lorente in the main event.

Both Bermeta and Mathew have impressive records in boxing, boasting undefeated careers as they step into this title fight. Bermeta, turning professional in 2018, has claimed victory in 16 out of his 17 fights with 12 wins by knockout. His most recent bout saw a conclusive win over Jose Yanez last month. On the other hand, Mathew, who debuted professionally in 2016, carries an equally intimidating record with all victories by knockout across his 24 bouts. His last match ended when he knocked out Russell Stoner Jones in December last year.

What time is Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew fight

Live coverage for the Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew main card will start at 11:00 AM EST on ESPN+. Refer to the table below to find your local time.

Region Date Main Card Start Time Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew
USA and Canada (EST) 2024-07-11 11:00 14:40
USA and Canada (PT) 2024-07-11 08:00 11:40
UK and Ireland 2024-07-11 16:00 19:40
Australia 2024-07-12 03:00 06:40

The boxing match between Alban Bermeta and Obinna Joseph Mathew will take place at 2:40 PM EST on July 11, 2024, at Skanderbeg Square in Tirana, Albania. This event is part of the undercard leading up to the main event featuring Mauro Forte versus Cristobal Lorente.

This fight is scheduled for 12 rounds and will contest for the WBO World Light Heavyweight Title. Please note that the ring walk time of 2:40 PM EST might change depending on how long earlier fights last.

For viewers watching from different countries, please check the provided table for start times in your local time zone to ensure you do not miss the event.

How and where to watch the Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew Fight

You can watch Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew via ESPN+.

Region Live-streaming

If your country is blocked by the streaming services or there simply isn’t any viable options for your country, we only can recommend one solution: using a VPN software to bypass the restrictions. It allows you to change your IP address and appear as if you’re watching the event from another country.

So if you live in either the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, UAE, Mexico, Spain or any other country and can’t find a working provider to watch the Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew fight, use our recommended (and tested) VPN and switch to a location of your choice.

Fighters Details

Alban Bermeta

  • Nationality: Albania
  • Total Fights: 17
  • Record: 16 / 0 / 1

Obinna Joseph Mathew

  • Nationality: Nigeria
  • Total Fights: 23
  • Record: 23 / 0 / 0

Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew Fight Card

  • Mauro Forte vs Cristobal Lorente
  • Alban Bermeta vs Obinna Joseph Mathew
  • Nelson Hysa vs Thorsten Fuchs
  • Muhamet Qamili vs Cesar Ignacio Paredes
  • Mikel Cullhaj vs Kabiru Towolawi
  • Xhuzepe Jaka vs Leon Maric
  • Ardit Murja vs Marlembron Acuna
  • Denis Nurja vs Angel Adrian Barroso
  • Maxim Prodan vs Alan Sebastian Velazquez
  • Hugo Micallef vs Bogdan Draskovic
  • Fabio Kaciu vs Edis Dzambas
  • Arjon Kajoshi vs Ramiro Blanco