Paddy Donovan vs Lewis Ritson Results, Scorecard, Punch Stats

At the 3Arena in Dublin, Irish boxer Paddy Donovan secured a victory against Lewis Ritson on May 21, 2024, when referee Howard Foster stopped the fight in the ninth round. The match, which was set for ten rounds, showcased a tactical display from both fighters ...


From the start of the fight, both boxers exhibited contrasting styles with Ritson using an orthodox stance and pressing forward aggressively. Donovan countered effectively using his southpaw stance by staying active with jabs and landing solid punches including a rear uppercut and left hook in round one. Despite Ritson's persistent pressure, Donovan managed to land more impactful strikes.

The following rounds saw both fighters exchanging heavy blows. In round two, each landed strong straight shots; however, Donovan’s punches caused more damage. He ended this round with a significant rear uppercut.

By round four, the arena filled with growing anticipation as Donovan continued to showcase his skill with striking precision.

Donovan's strategy became clear by midway through the contest; he capitalized on avoiding direct hits while maintaining robust offensive movements. This tactic paid off significantly in round five where he evaded Ritson's jab and retaliated with an array of straights and hooks.

The intensity ramped up into the later rounds as both fighters showed signs of fatigue but continued their fierce exchange. Notably, in round eight, an exhausted Ritson leaned heavily against the ropes and Donovan for support while still trying to land uppercuts. However, his fatigue set the stage for what was to come next.

In round nine, under increasing pressure from Donovan’s relentless offense, Ritson faltered dramatically allowing him to capitalize further until referee Howard Foster intervened at just 32 seconds into the round declaring a TKO win for Donovan — marking an impressive continuation of his career by reaching this ninth round for the first time and ending it triumphantly.

Paddy Donovan’s tactical mastery coupled with physical dexterity was brilliantly displayed throughout this contest leading him towards a well-deserved victory while also highlighting areas of potential growth for Lewis Ritson in future matches.

Donovan vs Ritson Punch Stats