Makhachev's coach called Tsarukyan's actions correct

Alexandr Ormanji May 20, 2024, 10:23 a.m.

AKA Hall of Famer and Islam Makhachev's head coach and mentor Javier Mendes believes that Arman Tsarukyan did the right thing by refusing to accept a rematch with Islam on short notice.

"You know, such a decision by Tsarukyan is the right signal. He is the main challenger now, why lose the opportunity to prepare well? He presented himself with a striking victory over Charles Oliveira. I think Arman did the right thing. Although, for example, Max Holloway in a similar situation would probably say, "I'm in," Mendes said in an interview with Submission Radio.

Recall, Tsarukyan fought on April 14, and then he was offered to fight Makhachev on June 1, to which he refused.

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