Tarver names keys to victory for Usyk and Fury in upcoming megafight

The famous American boxer Antonio Tarver told how Oleksandr Usyk and Tyson Fury should fight each other in the upcoming fight for the title of absolute world champion in the heavyweight division.

"I'm unequivocally in favor of Tyson Fury, but it will be a challenge. Usyk seems to be pumped up on top. He will try to fight aggressively instead of boxing. I believe that if Usyk tries to box Tyson Fury, he will get his head knocked off. He needs to be aggressive and get very close. I believe that if he does that, the fight will be very interesting.

I think Fury's best chance is to utilize his weight, height and arm span advantage and distance control. Every time Usyk gets close, you need to make him eat two or three jabs. You need to keep him at a distance. As long as Fury boxing moving, he will look good," said Tarver.

Recall that the fight Usyk vs. Fury will take place today in Saudi Arabia.
