UFC 301 tournament participants have passed the weigh-in (video)

Dmitriy Kel May 3, 2024, 2:57 p.m.

On the night of May 5, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will host UFC 301, headlined by a fight between local flyweight champion Alexandre Pantoja and Australian Steve Erceg.

Ahead of the tournament, the official weigh-in ceremony took place, with the results of which we offer you to read.

Main card:

Alesandre Pantoja (56.69 kg) - Steve Er ceg (56.69 kg);

Jonathan Martinez (61.68 kg) - Jose Aldo (61.68 kg);

Anthony Smith (93.21 kg) - Vitor Petrino (93.44 kg);

Michelle Pereira (84.36 kg) - Igor Losing (83.91 kg);

Paul Craig (83.91 kg) - Caio Borrallo (84.36 kg).

Preliminary card:

Jack Shore (65.99 kg) - Joanderson Brito (66.22 kg);

Karolina Kowalkiewicz (52.61 kg) - Yasmin Lucindo (52.61 kg);

Elvis Brener (70.76 kg) - Myktybek Orolbai (70.53 kg);

Jean Silva (66.22 kg) - William Gomis (64.86 kg);

Joaquim Silva (70.53 kg) - Drakkar Klose (70.76 kg);

Mauricio Ruffy (70.76 kg) - Jamie Mullarkey (70.3 kg);

Dione Barbosa (57.15 kg) - Ernesta Caricaite (56.92 kg);

Ismael Bonfim (70.76 kg) - Vince Pichel (70.76 kg);

Alessandro Costa (56.69 kg) - Kevin Borjas (56.92 kg).

Watch this story: UFC 310: Bonuses



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