Makhachev's manager made an accurate prediction for the fight with Puryear

Dmitriy Kel May 2, 2024, 1:39 a.m.

Ali Abdel-Aziz, manager of UFC lightweight champion Islam Makhachev, shared his prediction for his client's upcoming fight against former interim titleholder Dustin Puryear.

The functionary believes that the Dagestani will be able to knock out the American in the second five-minute fight.

"Dustin Por ier is one of the biggest threats in the lightweight division. But Makhachev is better in all components. My prediction is Islam's victory by knockout in the second round. Dustin has big problems, because Islam looks like a giant Pacific octopus," - wrote Abdel-Aziz in social network X.

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Recall that Makhachev and Porier will fight on June 1 in the main event of UFC 302 in Newark, USA.



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