A Crawford-Spence rematch a few weeks later?

Andrew Karlov Nov. 10, 2023, 1:55 p.m.
Terence Crawford - Errol Spence. Getty Images
Terence Crawford - Errol Spence. Getty Images

Rematch between Terence Crawford (40-0, 31 KOs) and Errol Spence Jr. (28-1, 22 KOs), scheduled for February, will take place at least a few weeks later. The reason for the date change is the termination of Premier Boxing Champions' partnership with Showtime.

Negotiations between PBC and new potential television partners are ongoing, but, according to unofficial sources, they are only at the initial stage. Potential partners include Amazon Prime, Netflix and Warner Bros.

There is still no agreement on the weight category in which the second fight between Crawford and Spence will take place. The first fight took place in the welterweight division, but it is possible that the rematch will take place in the junior middleweight division.



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