"Cut him in half." Coach Ngannou gave a forecast for the fight with Wilder

Dmitriy Kel Nov. 2, 2023, 2:50 p.m.

Mentor of former UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou Eric Niksik spoke about the potential fight of his ward with Deontay Wilder according to the rules of mixed martial arts.

Earlier it became known that the former WBC world heavyweight champion is keen on the idea of ​​testing his strength in MMA.

“If Wilder goes to MMA, it will end badly for him. Francis will cut this guy in half. Some low kicks, then a takedown, it's going to be a fast night.

If all these guys from boxing start moving to MMA, they will be doing us a favor. But in an ideal worldview, I would still like Francis to fight Jon Jones,” the specialist said in an interview with MMA Mania.



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