Holloway on Makhachev's rematch with Volkanovski: "It will be a very tough fight"

Alexandr Ormanji Oct. 20, 2023, 3:54 a.m.

Max Holloway, former UFC featherweight champion, shared his expectations for the upcoming fight between Islam Makhachev And Alex Volkanovski.

“I think Alex will turn on in the fifth round, just like he did in the first fight. This will be a very tough fight. Many people write Alex off, but this is ridiculous. I don’t think Volkanovski would take such a fight lightly while in bad shape, given the risk of not getting a third fight against Islam if he lost. Then his ambitions in the lightweight division will be buried...,” said Holloway.

Let us remind you that the Makhachev-Volkanovski rematch will take place on October 21 and will headline UFC 294.

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