Makhachev: “Khabib could easily defeat Strickland”

Dmitriy Kel Oct. 18, 2023, 1:50 a.m.

UFC lightweight champion Islam Makhachev spoke about the current form of his comrade and former title holder Khabib Nurmagomedova.

According to Makhachev, even after three years of inactivity, Khabib could confidently take the belt in the middle division from Sean Strickland.

“Today, in one of my interviews, I was asked: “Would Khabib be able to come back and defeat Strickland in a title fight?” I can say with confidence that he would easily do it. Almost three years have passed since he retired, but he still doesn’t miss a single training session.

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So if he wanted, it wouldn’t be difficult for him. I’m sure of this,” Makhachev wrote in X.



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