Dariush gave a forecast for Makhachev's rematch with Oliveira

Alexandr Ormanji Oct. 9, 2023, 4:32 p.m.

Beneil Dariush, a top UFC lightweight, gave a forecast for a rematch of the organization’s champion in this weight Islam Makhacheva With Charles Oliveira.

“A lot of what you can hear from Charles’ interviews suggests that he simply wasn’t ready for the first fight. I think this may be true. This must be taken into account. That's why I don't think the second fight will be like the first. It will definitely be a different fight, and I think it will be a lot harder for Makhachev. But I still see that Makhachev will win.”

Let us remind you that the Makhachev-Oliveira rematch will take place on October 21 in Abu Dhabi as part of UFC 294.

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