Fury revealed Ngannou's fee for the fight: "About 20 times his largest MMA fee"

Alexandr Ormanji Sept. 9, 2023, 9:15 a.m.

Tyson Fury, the WBC world heavyweight champion, told how much the former UFC heavyweight champion will earn for a fight with him Francis Ngannou.

“Everyone said Ngannou was an idiot when he left the UFC. And now he’s suddenly become a genius, isn’t he? Francis will earn approximately $10 million. So throw rotten eggs at his haters. Francis will get a lot of money and become rich. This is approximately 20 times more than his largest salary in MMA. And if he defeats me, he will provide for his grandchildren for life, ”Fury said.

Recall that the confrontation between Fury and Ngannou will be held on October 28 in Saudi Arabia.



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