Blachowicz: I like challenges and Pereira is a very big challenge

Jan Blachowicz

Former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jan Blachowicz spoke about a possible fight with the former title holder in the middle division Alex Pereyera, which previously announced about moving to a higher category.

“Pereira is a big guy. Let's see if he reaches light heavyweight. This is what I would like to see because Alex is a really big fighter. He has knockout power, but no one knows how good he is on the ground.

Let's see what he's going to do. Perhaps he will decide to stay in his weight class and try to return the belt.

I don't think about Pereira now, but on the other hand, why not meet him? I like challenges, and he is a very big challenge. We will see what his next step will be, ”MMA News quotes the Pole.
