Shelestyuk on Lomachenko: “He and his father have a completely different position on Ukraine and the war”

Taras Shelestyuk
Taras Shelestyuk

Famous Ukrainian boxer Taras Shelestyuk shared an opinion on a controversial position Vasily Lomachenko, who has never publicly condemned Russia for attacking Ukraine.

“He only recently expressed himself in an interview: “Why should I be a talking head? It won't stop the war, I don't have to do it." And posting pens, doves of peace and everything else about Moscow priests who probably zombified him is normal.

My opinion is that he does not have a strong position or he sees it in a completely different way. I think that it's not only him - it all depends on his father too. I believe that they have a completely different position on Ukraine and the war.

I was recently sent a video where he said: “I won’t say anything, because this is politics. It's up to someone to decide. Why should I say something? “I think he is weak in his opinion. He is a good boxer, but in life I have nothing to do with him. It doesn’t exist for me in my life,” Shelestyuk said in an interview with the Victor Yalymov Boxing Studio YouTube channel.