Russian athletes called Amosov to Moscow

Yaroslav Amosov, the Bellator welterweight champion, told how his Russian acquaintances reacted to the start of a full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia.

“I have a lot of Russian acquaintances. I spent a lot of training camps with Russian boys, and many wrote to me. There are those who directly understand as if they live here. They understand what is happening without seeing it all with their own eyes. But they get the point. And there are those who do not understand, but offer their, roughly speaking, help: "If anything, bro, come, we will settle you in Moscow." I didn’t even answer anything and I don’t answer until this time, ”Yaroslav Amosov said in an interview with the Otdushivdushu YouTube channel.

Recall that during the battles in the TRO Amosov received the call sign "Bayraktar".