Ankalaev has no plans to move up to the heavyweight division

Dmitriy Kel March 11, 2022, 2:25 a.m.
Magomed Ankalaev
Magomed Ankalaev

Russian light heavyweight UFC Magomed Ankalaev answered a question about a possible change in the weight category.

“The weight cutter is going according to plan. There are only a couple of kilograms left, and the torment will end. I don’t really have problems with weight loss, only the last kilograms torment me a little. And so we endure.

Are there any plans to move up to the heavyweight category? I'm too small to go. I have a working weight of about 100 kilograms. For a heavyweight, this is very little, so I don’t think about it, ”said Ankalaev.

On the night of March 13, Ankalaev will fight against the Brazilian Thiago Santos. The meeting will headline the UFC Fight Night 203 show in Las Vegas.


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