Bisping: "I hear terrible things about Chimaev"

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 21, 2022, 6 p.m.
Michael Bisping
Michael Bisping

Former UFC Middleweight Champion Michael Bisping admitted that he often hears rave reviews from his acquaintances about the current form of the welterweight division prospect Khamzat Chimaev.

“I hear really terrible things about Khamzat. Darren Till trains with him. I have a lot of friends in Sweden. They are shooting - I am associated with the Blockasset company.

They call me and say: “Damn it! Khamzat is just a beast! He works hard, trains like crazy, carries iron, scatters everyone in the gym. He has a great stand, great wrestling,” Bisping said on his YouTube channel.

It is expected that Chimaev's next fight will be against Gilbert Burns.



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